Chianti Stewed Meat

Chianti Stewed Meat recipe paired with Chianti Classico Baruffo Wine

Today's recipe is perfectly Tuscan Classics.
And we use probably the most typical ingredient of our Region: the "ciccia", as we name meat in dialect.

In the Chianti meat is a family thing, a matter of tradition, and you really need to pair it with some good red wine. 
It is like a ritual by now: lots of people at the table, chatting, cheerfulness, meat, bread to make the "scarpetta" and wine.Yes, it is summer, but Tuscan grandmas are not going to be scared from the heat: if there's meat to be cooked, you just cook it. 

Here, in Cantalicis, when you eat stewed meat, a classical pairing is Chianti Classico Baruffo: because thanks to its aromas of cherry and the well-balanced acidity the taste of meat gets emphasized.

Chianti Stewed Meat


  • 1 kg beef
  • 2 white onions
  • 2 celery ribs
  • 2 carrots
  • Flour
  • Cloves
  • 1 rosemary sprig
  • 2 sage leaves
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Red wine to blend
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt, pepper

Let's start by cleaning and cutting the onions, celery, and carrots. Heat plenty of oil in a crockpot, with high sides, and then make brown the vegetables over low heat, essential not to make them bitter and to make the oil flavor well. 

Add then the meat, which we have previously cut into cubes, and, raising the heat a little, let it brown for a few minutes so that the juices that will make it soft are sealed inside. Add all the seasonings, namely cloves, sage, bay leaf, and rosemary. 

Add some flour and toast it, remembering to turn it often in order not to burn it. Add some red wine to blend. Cover with a lid and let cook, over low heat, for about an hour, adding vegetable broth if necessary.

- This recipe is in white, if you wanted you could also add some tomato to give a different flavor.
- Boar could also be cooked in the same way, but it needs much more care and, above all, a fundamental initial preparation. But we will talk about this in another episode!

 If you want to put some bottle of Chianti Classico Baruffo away to taste next to a dish of Tuscan Stewed Meat...

You can buy them here ;)

Cantine Cantalici Shop Online

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